Fighting cancer is not easy. And equally bad is taking the treatment. The worse part being - along with treatment come lot of side effects, that are needed to be care of at the same time. Though doctors try their best to deal with these symptoms and side effects. But coping with the side effects with more medicines starts taking toll on the patient much earlier then expected.
Most of the cancer patients, I have spoken to don't want to take medicine. Rather they want some natural method by which they can overcome side effects such as anxiety, stress, sleeplessness, and depression.
Yoga- I believe is the perfect answer. Yoga works on the whole body involving breathing ( pranayama), stretching excercise and meditation. It is a way of staying healthy and protecting yourself from any sort of illness.
Yoga, creates a perfect harmony between the mind, body and soul at the same time relaxing the mind and body. Yoga, the various postures(asanas) stimulate the nervous system, makes joints more flexible while the mind and body can calm andbe at peace. The excercises helps in improving breathing and blood circulation.
India, the birth place of yoga- people have been practising the art for over 5000yrs. Recently our hon. prime minister Modi ji- annouced the first ever International yoga day( 21st June2015). So why not? Yoga will not cure cancer, but can definetely make dealing with the symptoms easier on a daily basis with no side effects.
Yoga can be practised at home as per ones convinience and ability( First few lesson should always be taken under the guidence of an expert).
Baba Ramdev, world reknown yoga expert and spiritual leader talks about cancer in
Yoga For Cancer
Yoga can be practised at home as per ones convinience and ability( First few lesson should always be taken under the guidence of an expert).
Baba Ramdev, world reknown yoga expert and spiritual leader talks about cancer in
Yoga For Cancer
I Love you, Papa!