
All the information contained within this blog is intended to be general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit to the doctor. The views expressed in this blog are personal views of the author and are not related or directed towards anyone in particular. Although every effort is made to ensure that the content within this blog is accurate, but it is not official in anyway. Please consult a doctor or health care provider.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Chapter 4- Chemotherapy begins

After papa got admitted to the hospital. I was  impatient. I was restless. I wanted the treatment to start as soon as possible. The chemotherapy (chemo) to start as soon as possible as already so much time has been lost. I wanted some thing to  look forward too. I wanted a miracle to happen. I wanted to hope. As as the famous saying in hindi goes, a straw is enough to save the drowning person, for me chemotherapy was the straw. 

Most of us know that chemotherapy is a very painful process and for those who don’t know, chemotherapy- strong acids are injected in the body to stop the growth of cancer cells. These acids are injected through veins( intravenous) . The cycle includes sending poisonous chemicals into the body through very slim needles. And then flushing out the toxin from the body by sending another chemical(s). 

Chemotherapy causes more harm then doing good to the body. But i wanted to give it a try for myself- who was desperate and would do anything that will add few years to my hero- my father's life. For papa, who wanted to live. For my mother- his partner of 42 years. For my brothers, who looked up to papa as their idol.

I was informed about the side of effects of chemotherapy.  Reduction in blood platelets count, nausea, fever, mouth ulcer, diarrhea and hair loss. During his two cycles of chemotherapy , papa suffered all  of these except for that he never lost a single hair. In fact, in the final few weeks, he was so irritated by his hairs, owing to being bedridden now for months (Papa had beautiful silky straight hairs and  he always kept his hair nicely trimmed and well combed) that to pacify him, I had to trim his hairs.

The first chemo cycle lasted for 3 months, at the end of the 3 months a review was done, to find out about the improvement in papa's condition and to ascertain the extent to which the disease has  been  controlled or has spread. The first cycle was divided in to two parts. The first phase, papa had to be admitted to the hospital. He was supposed to stay in the hospital for 3- 4days. Papa was tied to the bed for as long as 56hrs with a needle in his arm. First the medicines and after a break of 10hrs, the toxins were flushed out. The only time he was allowed to leave the bed when he wanted to use the washroom.He hated it. I hated it too. It was painful for him and for me. But he believed in me and i believed in the doctors, who said it is important if you  want to prolong your father’s life ( Is their any other answer). 

The second  phase- lasted a day. We would come to the hospital in the morning, get the chemo done and leave by evening. Both phase(s) were carried out in the alternate weeks. 

Every morning the schedule was same in both the chemotherapy phase(s). Reach the hospital early in the morning, get the blood test(s) done. Wait for the reports and on the basis of the results, it was decided to go ahead for the chemotherapy. 

After every chemotherapy session, papa felt weak and exhausted. But he refused to give up. He tried to be as normal as he could be and do most of his daily chores by himself. As days turned in to weeks and weeks in to months, papa grew more weak and lost considerable weight. Chemotherapy has started taking its toll. I could see but was helpless and at the same time hopeful.

It is said, that the first chemotherapy cycle is the rosy period of the treatment and it turned out to be true. After 3 months reviews were done. The results of the first cycle said, the cancer that started from gall bladder has shown 20% decrease and no growth  was reported in the pancreatic region. Papa blushed. He smiled after almost 4 months. I felt relieved. Finally after months of sadness, we have a good news. 

It was my 6th wedding anniversary, and i could not have received a better gift then this - my father’s improving health.

To my father’s courage and never say die spirit. I am so proud of you papa!

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